The world we live in is awash with chaos, confusion, people frantically rushing and a total lack of order. We humans as a race are messier than ever; of course we all want to be free radicals doing as we please, but we seem to struggle to understand that sometimes there is nothing better than a little bit of organisation.
Here are 20 pictures that let us all know that there is still a bit of order and sense left in the world. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be saving this for the day when your sister messes up your toiletries and your world starts to collapse.
1. There is just something sublimely beautiful about this. Love an organised electrical system
2. See world, you can keep your shit organised
3. Shopping trolley porn. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm…
4. Will whoever did this just marry me?
5. Perfection
6. Now this is an invention that I can really get behind
7. These guys get it
8. Wow
9. I’ll be doing this when I get home
10. This guy’s camouflage is hoot-iful
11. How all crisps should be served
12. These monks got game
13. Yes please
14. Cabbages are even getting in on the act
15. Even the sun is a slave to order
16. First step, world domination. Second step, make this the law
18. That moment you nearly cry because you’re so happy. Perfect size
19. Wood stacked to look like a tree. I need to lie down
20. Why would you eat them any other way?
Panic over, there is still some semblance of order in the world. I just want to take the person who organised those sprinkles, and just give them a massive hug. That’s the least they deserve after such a heroic effort.
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